Emilie Alexander
Back Emilie Alexander M. Sc student / Genome editinge-mail: emilie-margaret-marie.alexander.1 [at] ulaval.ca Biography I was born in Michigan, in the middle of nowhere and grew up surrounded by my redneck family. As a child, I wanted to become an astronomer until I...
Mariia Utrobina
Back Mariia Utrobina Intern / Protein evolution Biography I am a third-year biology student from Ukraine and have always been fascinated by the intricate work with living organisms at the microscopic level. This led me to study biology at the University of Toronto,...
Camille Bédard
Back Camille Bédard Étudiante au doctorat / Biologie évolutive des systèmese-mail: camille.bedard.6 [at] ulaval.ca Biographie Ma ville natale est Saint-Raymond dans Portneuf. J’ai déménagé à Québec en 2016 pour mes études collégiales en sciences de la nature au...
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