Carla Bautista Rodríguez
Back Carla Bautista Rodríguez Étudiante au doctorat / Génomique écologique évolutivee-mail: carla.bautista-rodriguez.1 [at] ulaval.ca Biographie J’ai toujours été fascinée par la nature et la biodiversité, ce qui m’a conduite à étudier la biologie. En...
Philippe Després
Back Philippe Després PhD Student / Yeast genome editing e-mail: philippe.despres.3 [at] ulaval.ca Biography Born in Maria, a small village in Gaspésie, I have spent the better part of my life in Québec city. There are many scientists in my family, and so I was...
Mathieu Hénault
Back Mathieu Hénault PhD Student / Yeast ecological genomics e-mail: mathieu.henault.1 [at] ulaval.ca Biography I am from the region of Bas-Saint-Laurent (Quebec, Canada) where I did most of my pre-university education. I then completed a bachelor’s in Biochemistry...
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